  • 14. 09.
    Téma 208. KPD v říjnu 2024 je "ADHD v současnosti". Více zde.
  • 03. 09.
    S hlubokou lítostí jsme přijali zprávu o úmrtí prof. Radka Ptáčka. Vážili jsme si jej pro jeho erudici, angažovanost i ochotu pomoci, kde bylo třeba. Bude chybět nejen psychologické obci. R.I.P.
  • 19. 07.
    Sekce Neuropsychologie
    při ČMPS vyhlašuje 2. ročník Ceny za nejlepší diplomovou práci z oblasti neuropsychologie za akademický rok 2023/2024.
    Více zde.
  • 30. 06.
    V zármutku oznamujeme, že nás dnes opustil
    prof. PhDr. Stanislav Kratochvíl, jedna z velkých osobností české klinické psychologie a psychoterapie. Připomínáme si jej např. v tomto rozhovoru.

  • 29. 06.
    Vychází 2. číslo 18. ročníku E-psychologie.
  • 29. 05.
    Nové akce v nabídce Vzdělávání, viz zde.
  • 17. 04.
    Rada ČMPS oceňuje vyjádření MŠMT z 15. 4. 24, kde je uvedeno, že "záměr [snížení kvalifikačních požadavků na školní psychology] nebude realizován." Stanovisko Sdružení kateder psychologie ČR k záměru zde.
  • 31. 10.
    ČMPS na sociálních sítích - pro rychlejší šíření informací používáme také Facebook, LinkedIn nově i Instagram ;-)
  • 13. 09.
    Web pro návrh zákona o psychologických a psychoterapeutických službách.
  • 22. 06.
    Sylvie Graf, Kateřina Chládková a Iva Poláčková Šolcová mezi top českými vědkyněmi roku 2023. Blahopřejeme!
  • 20. 05.
    Archiv československé psychologie je unikátní počin, díky kterému se můžete ponořit do historie oboru a poznávat, s čím se psychologové minulých dekád potýkali a čím přispívali k lidskému poznání.
  • 05. 01.
    Žádáme členy/členky o registraci do sekcí ČMPS prostřednictvím formuláře na této adrese. Svou registraci si můžete ověřit v Adresáři členů. Současně děkujeme za již provedené registrace.
  • 20. 12.
    Prosíme o návrhy nových členů etické komise ČMPS. Formulář je ZDE. Děkujeme!
Czech-Moravian Psychological Society

Info about COVID-19

Information resources from IUPsyS

Info for psychologists across Europe is there:
Coronavirus COVID-19: the role of psychologists in Europe

Psychological recommendations and advice for families from Czech psychologists

Info in English about the Czech Republic is there:

How to work in the Czech Republic as a psychologist?

The Czech-Moravian Psychological Society (CMPS) is registered as a voluntary civic organization and it associates psychologists of the Czech Republic on the principle of choice.

Through its scientific activities, Society enhances the development of psychology as a field and as a profession and it contributes to the increase in the members' scientific level and the knowledge of those who are interested in the field. It supports the application of ethical principles in psychological practice, represents its members during negotiations with institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad and expresses its opinion on questions of general interest.

The Czech-Moravian Psychological Society is a regular member of IUPsyS.
More information about the history of the CMPS available in IUPsys Bulletin, 2014, 6(7).

Ethical principles of psychologists:

Ethical Code (ČMPS, 2017) is available here.

Here is an Introduction.

Code of Procedure for Dealing with Suggestions and Complaints

Main spheres of activity:

  • obtaining and publishing information concerning the psychological community and their distribution amongst the members and other interested parties within the framework of information and counselling services
  • the independent scientific activity of CMPS divisions - lectures, workshops, courses, and training for psychologists, students and other interested public
  • The CMPS Executive Council, together with the Computer System Group, cooperates in the preparation of The 33rd International Congress of Psychology, to be held in 2024 in Prague.

Jiří Hoskovec Prize:

The prize is granted in honour of the significant Czech psychologist Prof. PhDr. Jiří Hoskovec, CSc. (1933-2011). Jiří Hoskovec devoted himself, in particular, to the psychology of transportation and the history of psychology. He is the author, or co-author in some cases, of a number of publications and numerous articles in the field of both general and applied psychology. Based on international cooperation and research fellowship, he integrated the Western and Eastern psychology trends. More...

National Neuropsychological Prize of Jiří Diamant:

The mission of the Prize is to continue the legacy and tradition of Czech clinical neuropsychology, initiated and in whose history Associate Professor Jiří Diamant has been a leading figure.
More in Czech...


Four times a year, The Society publishes the Members' bulletin, which serves as an overview of various psychological projects contributing to further education and mutual exchange of ideas among psychologists and the general public. It helps psychologists to express their opinion concerning the overlapping questions of both their field and public life.


Four times a year, The Society publishes the electronic scientific journal E-psychologie that is intended for all readers interested in psychology. It is freely available to all readers.


The biannual three-day conference is held in Olomouc (Moravia), the traditional Psychological Days (Psychologické dny).

International Congress of Psychology (ICP) 2024, Prague:
The Czech-Moravian Psychological Society was the main organizer of the 33rd ICP, supported by the Union of Psychological Associations Czech Republic (UPA ČR) and by other associations of professional and scientific organizations, universities, and other bodies, active in the field of psychology.
The ICP 2024 Congress is organized under the auspice of the International Union of the Psychological Science.

Executive Council of CMPS (2022-2026):

President: Matúš Šucha
Vice-President: Filip Smolík
Scientific Secretary: Eva Dragomirecká
Treasurer: Pavel Michálek
Members: Daniel Heller, Dalibor Kučera, Katarína Millová, Lucie Klůzová Kráčmarová, Petra Špačková
Project manager and secretary: Jindřiška Kotrlová


Czech-Moravian Psychological Society
Kladenská 48, 160 00 Praha 6, phone +420 605 100 844
e-mail:, URL: